
The Penedes soil tends to be characterised by its properties of lime and clay, and whilst the Alt Penedes has deep oscillations and a  greater capacity to retain water, the Baix Penedes has more shallow, stony terrain with little water retention and both areas of the Penedes have low levels of organic material.

In terms of climate, the Alt Penedès has a marked contrast between day and night temperatures, reaching high temperatures during the day and becoming very fresh at night, whilst the Baix Penedès is more influenced by the sea, with higher concentration of sun and more temperate climates, hotter and more humid summers.  The combination of these conditions in climate and the variations in the composition and richness of the land are conditioning factors in the maturity of the vineyard.

The Penedes lands have always been privileged with the winds, the richness of the nutrients of the earth and optimum rainfall, which is ideal for  the conditions of the vineyards.